As bad as it sounds I wish my parents would just hurry up and get divorced. I know it’s gonna happen sooner or later. Just make it sooner and get it overwith. It’d be best for the family
Category : Bocal de tracas
I’m a lesbian in high school, I’ve online dated 3 girls and broke up with them all less than a month after because it was to much pressure for me, now I feel like anyone who’s loves me I’ll push away. It’s a horrible feeling that il never love or be loved.
my OCD and hypocondria has taken over :/ i cant enjoy the things i like to do anymore or have no interest in anything
I’m tired of all my constant appointments. I have about 2 a week for my mental health, braces, school, etc. It’s been like this for the past 5 years.
I’ve been struggling with anxiety and separation anxiety for years. I’ve come such a long way within the last year; I can now stay home alone. I’m now open about having anxiety and I don’t care who knows. I have an appointment with a councillor in a few days but I’m anxious about it. I’m taking this big step for myself but I’m not sure if I should be worrying about how it’s affecting my family and friends.
I’m into my second semester of collage and I have to write a supplementary exam and I’m really stressed about it. This is one of my major courses too. If I fail this sub I don’t think I want to continue with course but I’m afraid my parents are going to be mad/ dissiponted.
That I will disappoint my family.
My rage and anger will cause me to hurt someone I love, my boyfriend.
That my parents will be mad at me when they find out I am dating an older guy.
My depression and anxiety will affect me to the point of dropping out of school.
My mom will get mad because I want to live full time with my dad
My mom will find out I do drugs! I can’t let that happen..
People keep saying “friends”… Some people don’t have friends.
I need therapy, how do I ask my parents?
My depression.
People who I thought were my friends left me when they found out I cut. I was left to fight this battle alone. I’ve made 2 new friends who I love so much sense then but I’m afraid I’ll mess something up and loses them to:(
I worry that my girlfriend of 2 years is letting drugs control her life and quickly becoming a different person
Im Worried that, i will lose the only one i care about.
I feel like I’m not strong enough to live anymore but I feel like I’m not strong enough to kill me.
I’m worried that my friends are turning into bad people and soon I’m going to end up hurt.