That the popular crowd will always make fun of me, I hate going to school because I know they are going to make my day horrible.

My teacher will call on me in class again and everyone will look at me.

I worry that I will end up with a man when really I am know I am a lesbian.

I worry that I won’t get my licence.

I have made mistakes and I worry people will forever judge me because of them.

That my parents will find out I do drugs.

That my dad will die of alcoholism.

My looks.

I worry about war and what’s happening around the world.

I worry I will look back on high school regretting that I didn’t do more.

Finding my one true love.

That I will have sex when before I am ready because I really don’t want to lose my boyfriend.

Worry that my foster family will ask me to leave.

That I won’t get a job this year and won’t be able to go to grad because I can’t afford it.

I will get breast cancer like my mother and grandmother.

Trying new things scare me.

I think too much and do too little, I worry I am missing out on life.

I worry that I worry too much.

Coming out to my family and their judgement/reactions.

School, friends, brothers.