Burning my birthday cake
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I worry that decisions I have made will reflect on my future and shape me into someone I’m really not
I’m worried that it’s taking too long to finish my degree and I’ll be too old when I graduate.
I worry mom and dad will be mad at me
That I’m not with the right guy, but we have a new baby together. His family gives me so much anxiety and I don’t know how to be myself around them. We’ve been together 4 years (since I was 19)I wish I had thought about all this sooner..
That I will never be good enough for anyone and while my friends move on in life I will be stuck here with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts
I have no guy friends 🙁 I’m the only guy that is with only girls.. I recently came out as bi, but I really want a guy friend
That I’ll always feel like this
That some day I’m just going to lose myself, lose control. And do something I’ll regret.
Coming out and worrying about if people will accept me because I’m gay
That my friends and family hate me
That my bone infection will come back and kill me
I’m afraid that I’ll go as crazy as I feel
I don’t think I’ll get into university
My mom will get mad because I want to live full time with my dad
My friends at school say they will always be there for me but then next thing I now there are off talking to the person who publicly humiliated me :/
That I’ll never get to travel the world like I wish to do
The new move won’t go as I hope…
My sister cuts
That I will never have a boyfriend