I’m worried that I will grow up to be a failure and never accomplish anything

Turning into my parents. They’re good people but they’re not the people I want to be.

My mom will find out I do drugs! I can’t let that happen..

Worrying about worrying because I know it’s unhealthy for me to stress this much.

Coming out

My grades will drop

I will lose the ones I love


About work, my son, my husband, finances and feeling sad and anxious all the time.

If I’m not going to get the life I want to have in the future

I worry that my friend is going try to kill herself again. I just wish she knew how much she is loved.

I’m worried that I’ll never have a real friend. Someone who won’t turn away from me because of my mental disorders.

Embarrassing myself in front of the boy I like.

My family are strangers to me . Every time me and my parents are together it feels awkward . I don’t live in a home , I live in a house . I’m scared on what’s going to happen in the future

I hate how people say being gay is just a phase

People say I’m crazy and I wonder if I really am, sometimes I want to be because I don’t feel like my parents believe me

You’ll never be perfect as your friends

By the time I graduate everyone I hold dear will have left me.

I worry that I won’t pass my exams and I’ll make my parents disappointed

that I’m the reason my parents are fighting.