Life is stressful and hard and sometimes I don’t know how to deal with it all.
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That my constant sadness will continue getting worse.
That my friend doesn’t trust me.
I failed a midterm
I’ll break down and won’t be able to get back on my feet
I am an Idoit
I am just always left out, I barly talk and people call me weird, I am so stressed out about school and I have socal phobia my “friends” make fun of me and I am always left out I think I will always be that kid and will never make any friends
I worry I won’t come out of my shell. I don’t care how many friends I have, I just want to be more confident.
Worried I will be seen in public by people I know. I don’t even know why. I’ve already avoided going to a few places because of my anxiety. Anxiety takes over and it’s really not fun 🙁
I currently have zero friends and worry that I’ll never make any.
That I’ll end up killing myself.
My dad’s only nice to me when he wants something and I’m worried that’s how it’s always going to be.
My dad’s only nice to me when he wants something and I’m worried that’s how it’s always going to be.
I’m worried I’ll never accomplish anything in life because my anxiety is so bad I’m afraid to leave the house
I worry my parents won’t understand how bad my anxiety is and will just say I’m full of crap
About my depression, and that maybe liking being alone isn’t okay.
Not being able to feel normal because I’m bi sexual and I got a eating disorder am I broken?
Sometimes I’ve told various lies to people that aren’t in my school and I am very frightened that somebody will find out…
I need therapy, how do I ask my parents?
What if I’m never good enough