I worry that my anxiety will get even worse and cause me to fail in the real world like not being able to get a job or get married due to my awkwardness and lack of communication skills.
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My recent severe anxiety is preventing me from living, accomplishing my goals, and enjoying life. I simply go through each day without actually living. I have no care for the things I love most. I cannot focus. I cannot concentrate. I fear I will fail school and become even worst because of it. The smallest things upset me. It is beginning to become a constant struggle to get out of bed every morning and I fear, some morning soon, I won’t get up.
Feeling like I’m not worthy of anything anymore. I’ve lost all hope
That everyone will continue ignoring me.
That I’ll never be noticed but always looked through by people as if I don’t even exist, I’m just invisible.
that I’ll be anxious for ever
My depression.
That no guy will ever like me
my scars will never fade
that this is as good as its going to get
My friend and I got into a fight because of my trust issues and he told me that he’s extremely suicidal
I just wanna be happy again
I’m worried you’ll leave me. You’ll give up on me. Im never good enough. I don’t deserve to be happy. I’m afraid to be alone.
That me and my girlfriend will keep falling apart and becoming more distant all because my parents can’t stand our relationship. She makes me happy. But she’s so busy and they purposely try to separate us. I miss spending time with her. I miss talking to her. She was the only person I could talk too and now I feel so alone.
eventually, I’ll mess up so bad that I won’t be able to fix it anymore.
I am worried that no one cares and loves me…
Will my mom freak if I tell her I’m bisexual
my class will find out why I was actually in hospital
Knowing that I lost all my friends & all I have is my boyfriend & 1 friend