I’m terrified I am going to be anxious like this for the rest of my life. I can’t deal with this for the rest of my life, havinf anxiety is so exhausting.
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That me being depressed will eventually cause all my friends to walk away
That it will never become easier to deal with all my mental problems
I worry about everything. I can’t even make it to work 75% of the time 🙁
I’m worried that me and my boyfriend will split up and I’ll be alone
Just when I start to feel better, the sadness comes back.
It feels like no matter how hard you try it’s just not good enough
I feel like noone ever says nice things to me.
I’m worried I’ll be alone all my life
I worry about people not likening me if they did out about my BPD
My Depression is going to win
I Feel Like Everything Is My Fault, Knowing That My Best Isn’t Good Enough.
I’m worried that I’ll start cutting again
People will hate me when they find out I cut
People who I thought were my friends left me when they found out I cut. I was left to fight this battle alone. I’ve made 2 new friends who I love so much sense then but I’m afraid I’ll mess something up and loses them to:(
I didn’t go to school yesterday because I ja a really bad anxiety attack and my mom didn’t know and I started cutting again and my life suck I don’t wanna be here anymore, Iam afraid she’ll see my scars
It’s funny, school teaches you what to do when you’re on fire, but never what to do when you’re whole life is up in flames….
What if my mom will never stop being an alcoholic.
I won’t get to graduate
I like a boy who likes me back but he hasn’t asked me out…