I’ve been cutting for over 4 years, I keep trying and trying to stop but I just simply can’t. I let my best friend down so many times, I feel like a failure…
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Everyone says my boyfriend deserves better than me, I know it isn’t true but everyone saying it is really making it seem true
I want to be closer to my parents but they don’t have time for me anymore
I think I have an anxiety issue but I’m not sure These panic attacks happen a lot so It must be anxiety
I’m plus size….. No guy would ever want me
Everyday I worry about my sIze and being bigger than the other girls, It’s making my confidence ALOT worse everyday Why can’t I just be skinny ?
I can’t take another day of all of this that’s going on in my life I wish my parents would understand how Important I am to them
I’m worried that my friends are turning into bad people and soon I’m going to end up hurt.
I’m afraid that no one likes me
I keep thinking about the past , it’s killing me
I just worry about the simplest things I’m just not myself anymore And I will never be
I have really bad teeth and I am very over weight. I have really bad anxiety because of this and I get so nervous to the point where I break down and cry. I’m losing all of my so called “friends” because of my anxiety and my overall appearance. I am afraid I may never find a good friend to tell all of my problems too. I hope my new councillor will help me cope.
I’m the biggest person in my class and I get treated different…I’m also really shy which doesn’t help
I need to talk to someone…but who?
I’m just scared I will have a panic attack anywhere for no reason
The baby project for school is just making me panic even more
I am afraid that my depression is coming back. It took so much effort to be rid of it, but I can feel it creeping back in settling right into my bones, I don’t want to go back to that dark place.
This past January I was told I was depressed, from a chemical imbalance in my brain. It didn’t start that way there is a whole story how it has gotten to this point. but I don’t know how to explain to make things sound simple, but the thing is depression is not simple and I can’t explain to others to make them understand. Some days are harder than others and I miss a lot of school sometimes and I don’t know what to tell my friends so I just say I’m sick, they think I fake because I come to school fine the next day. It’s hard hiding apart of you from the rest of the world.
I can’t stop thinking about ending my life. Every night when I close my eyes I see myself with a noose around my neck. I don’t know how to fix this
I hate my anxiety. I refuse to take my meications because they make me feel like a zombie and thats not who I wannt to be. A dra is my medicine.. it helps me do my daily activities not completly anxiety – less but I feel myself . I worry that my anxiety will never go away I strugle every morning to get up and I always wake up crying for no reason. If I have a dra im able to pull myself together, I dont like to be dependent on it but its what helps me best and I worry that ill never be able to just wake up with a smile for once and go on about my day without it. I dont ever crave for it but when im depressed or anxious I cant calm down without it and im so easy to trigger into being anxious or depressed because my mind is always so jumble with memories and I take everything to heart. Its so hard to juggle everything in my life. Eveyday is another obtscle to set me back a step