I overthink and cause extra worries that might not even happen.
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That no guy will ever love me
I feel like I can’t handle this anymore I wanna die but I can’t do it myself
That I’ll be a “loner” forever.
My friend is constantly bringing himself down because of his body shape and is not doing anything not even leaving his own room.
I’m failing a class. I study and make notes but I just fail the test. I can’t remember anything and I’m really stressed out.
FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THEY AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH: Take it from someone who knows, Don’t think that just because you aren’t beautiful or you are poor or whatever that you aren’t good enough. It’s not about how much $$$$ you have (or don’t have) or about if you look good. ITS ABOUT WHO YOU ARE INSIDE, IN THE HEART.
I have no friends…. I’m just so alone
I feel so alone and I really don’t know what to do
I worry that my parents are going to move our family to a new town so my dad can get a better job and I won’t be able to make new friends because I already can’t make friends in the town I live now
I wish that I could help all of you, but I suggest that if you need to talk to someone or if you need help with something that you call a facility in the list of numbers. These people can help you. It’s your first step to feeling happy and better, and it helps. Everything will be ok.
I think my friends exclude me from all of their conversations
I worry about the worries. I worry about the people who worry about the worries. Please people only worry about the things you can change.
That I just moved here and my anixety is getting worst again..
I’m the fat friend…
I worry that every single one of you reading this don’t realize that I LOVE YOU. There is always someone that can relate to your problems, even if it’s hard to believe. Hang in there everybody. My close friend lost his life to suicide and depression. You may forget this sometimes but people DO care about you. Be strong
I’m worried that I’ll never feel happy again
Sometimes I honestly think that if I killed myself, everything would get better. Then I worry about how everyone else would react. Sometimes I think they wouldn’t care and other times I do. It just confuses me and I don’t know how to handle it!
My grades are dropping so much… I try so hard but it’s not good enough
That I’m only one step away from killing myself. I burn myself for the sake of “make everyone stop bullying you” but it just never works. -MasterDeity