My future and if I will grow up to be ok.
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How kids are raised with no communication. Once a day at supper sit as a family find out what is going on in their kids’ lives. Believe it or not some parents are blind or don’t want to deal with it.Why? They don’t know how to. Same with teachers. Not all but in reality teachers need more hands on and talking with teens.
Those who enforce societies on you, wish they had the courage to be like you.
My friends talking about me.
Not living up to the person my family wants me to be. I worry about the fact that I haven’t been happy for a long time and I don’t know if I ever will be again.
Not knowing who I am and being too easily influenced and pressured. I have no limits as to what to do because I don’t care about anything so I don’t care about what I do.
My grades
My friends talking about me behind my back when I’m not around
My daughter not believing that she has the power to choose who she wants to be.
My Future