Are my good thoughts blurring with the bad ones to the point where I can’t even differentiate them anymore? Are the thoughts that I once thought to be good actually horribly self-destructive and I’ve been hurting myself this whole time? I don’t know. I honest to god don’t know anymore.

Sometimes i think about suicide and cutting and my boyfriend tells me to talk to him about it but when i do he just says you have a perfect life and itd be selfish if you killed yourself (i suffer from anxiety and depression) i dont know what to do

I haven’t had a good day in a month and a half i always tend to find something bad in the day to make my self feel worse, i have no motivation anymore to do anything but i’m too afraid of missing school.

I’m scared that if I make a worng move I’ll get bullied


That I will never find a friend, I have no one.

I’m failing math and close to failing science.

Worried that I am going to grow old all alone.

My sister cuts

I will lose the ones I love

That I’ll never be happy

My body will never be how I want.

My friend and I got into a fight because of my trust issues and he told me that he’s extremely suicidal

I won’t get to graduate

I worry that I’ll never actually be happy and I’ll never be able to be in a committed relationship with someone because my ex really fooled me up

My mom keeps at me to get a job, I’m just not emotionally ready yet , I will when I gain confidence and when I feel better

I worry that I’m trapped in my relationship because I don’t want to hurt his feelings

I have really bad teeth and I am very over weight. I have really bad anxiety because of this and I get so nervous to the point where I break down and cry. I’m losing all of my so called “friends” because of my anxiety and my overall appearance. I am afraid I may never find a good friend to tell all of my problems too. I hope my new councillor will help me cope.

I’m worried I am going to hurt myself

I’m almost 200 pounds and I’m 5’10. Being really tall in a junior high where girls will tear you up about the way you look sucks!!! I’m socially anxious and depressed! I feel like a social outcast even though I have many friends!! Ugh! My life is a living hell.