Every day I get a message saying how ugly I am and how I do not deserve to be here, guess I kinda agree I don’t know why I’m here, I pretend I’m okay when really I can loose my mind at any point I don’t even know what to do

I’m worried I’m unlovable

what worries me is being judged. I feel like no matter what I say if do someone always has to mock me, tease me or pick at me. they think it’s alright I guess I kinda play it off as cool. but it really bothers me and sometimes I wonder why I’m even friends with them.

I want to be straight, not Bi!

I worry about my weight like there’s no tomorrow. I try and try to work it off but I never see any progress. I feel like just giving up eating would make everything so much better.

Being an inteovert in an xerovert world….

My friends leave me out of everything … I really need friends who care

That my best friend won’t be my best friend if they see my scars

I worry that everyone hates me even when they say they don’t.

I worry about how this sexual assault case is going to go. Only at the beginning now! So much talking to professionals and police and as nice as they are I feel sick.

I know I need help, but I’m too shy to ask

I’m bisexual and my BESTFRIEND won’t hug me or call me “bb” or treat me like the rest of her friends but she doesn’t judge me but it hurts so much to be treated different and the one I love the most, treats me different. All my life I’ve been treated less than and all I do is try my best. Most of the time I feel like I don’t belong here. I have depression and all I want is to be happy and be like the rest of my friends

I worry that my mom won’t let me get medication for my depression and it’ll get worse and worse.

my parents are so over protective and controlling. they try to control my life. and yeah I now they’re parents they have the right. but I’m 14 years old. I should be able to some things freely. I can’t even give my man a gift without getting questioned. seriously and all they do is yell at me and tell me how lazy and disrespectful I am. I’m so sick of it. I can’t wait to move out.

Eating disorder, social anxiety, depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts, idk what I’m in life for… I feel suicide is the only real answer…. Can anyone help me or am I all alone in this fight….

My girlfriend cheated on me some time back and I feel as if I’m no longer good for anyone else as I am also doing school online and im isolated from everything.

I went to my friends birthday party last night. There were only girls there, and I when I went home, I realized I was the only person who left and everyone else slept over and didn’t invite me. I felt so excluded.

I feel like everything’s hopeless.

Infertility runs in my family, basically all my aunts have it, and my parents had trouble with me. I’m worried I won’t be able to have kids when I get older.

I’m scared of me.