That the people I care most about don’t care about me at all.

So I’ve been with my girl for 11 months, i think she is an absolute angel, I feel so lucky to have her but at the same time I am easily bugged by some of the things she does, some of the things she does just kinda bug me but I really can’t tell her because I don’t want to stop her from doing anything she wants to do, I give hints often but she never seems to catch on….like I said I feel lucky to have her but yet I feel hurt by some of the things she does and I can’t bring it up because I just feel controlling if I do….I really wish there was an easy way to either not let it bother me or get her to understand

The feeling like I’m not good enough. Like i’m not good enough to love him. Like I wasn’t perfect enough for him. Like my love doesn’t matter.

Every time I’m with my “friends” they rather talk to other people than me, they also ignore me and I think they think I’m no good. What should I do?????!

I don’t think I’m good enough,I wish my life had never come to be.Im Bisexual and no one will talk to moving aswell so I don’t know what to do

I wish everything will be better and I can be more happier about life . It feels like no one cares if I commit suicide or just no one wants to talk to me or just think I’m invisible. My teacher doesent care about me I don’t think my parents and my sister even care about me. And we always get into arguments and I always get blamed for things I don’t even do. Does anyone feel the same?

I just told my mom, i might be bulimic. Im freaking out about whats next

I act like a kid even tho I’m graduating but I like it

I got so much work to do but not enough time for it all

school is just so stressful, I’m doing well, but I just feel so over whelmed. And even when i get amazing marks in every subject, I feel like a failure.

Sometimes I just feel sad, and I feel like my friends aren’t my real friends, and that I’ll never find someone to love, and that I’ll have nothing to do now since my favourite show ended 3 days ago.. I don’t know. I also “like” my best friend but I know she doesn’t like me back.. I’m a boy.

im in love with this guy.. and he lives 7 hours away. and im afraid that it wont work out and he will find someone better, someone without depression or anxiety and less problems..

Bf smoking weed

I’ve started self-harming again and I’m terrified some one will find out.

That i will be afraid to go out in public because im scared something will happen to me, im letting my hypcondria take over 🙁 i dont know how to stop it!

I fear that the cult of Social Justice will poison this world, and that none will dare retaliate…..

So, right now all the few friends,or should I even call them friends,I have left are hanging out together, having a great time, they don’t know that I know this. They say we’re friends, but they never treat me like one, the never invite me to hang out with them they never text me, and the never include me in any conversations. like really what kind of best friends are they? They know my other friend group dumped me, so why so rude. I have social problems I can never ask people to hang out or anything, and I don’t know why. The one time I got the nerves to ask them to come over they made excuses to say no. That completely crushed me. I wish I had a real friend, I had one and then I moved away from her. And I also really need to talk to someone, they would be the perfect people but nope, I really need to tell someone about my problems like I really think I have ADHD or something like that but I have no one to talk to and also I am really in love with this guy, like rrrreeeaaallllllllyyyyyy in love with him, but once again, no one to talk to. I have no clue what is wrong with me, I am pretty, athletic, and kinda smart but nobody likes me and I just want to lock my self up and hide forever. And one more thing if you are reading this and think you might be doing this to someone, then stop it, do those hundreds of thousands of people a favour and be their friend. Please.

Will I feel better?

I’m back to questioning my gender, I think I’m genderfluid? But most day I feel like a guy so am I trans? I don’t understand what’s going on in my head.

I’m afraid I’ll never be able to be myself. I’ll never be able to come out and have people use the right pronouns and id be happy. What if that never happens? What if I’m just always too afraid to say “I’m not a girl”? Will I be unhappy forever?