One word School..

I do not know how to act around other people and everything looks and feels unreal. I worry all of the time and all I want to do is sleep.

I worry about my teen children and how to comfort them during their anxieties

Embarrassing myself in front of the boy I like.

I’m afraid that I will be judged badly throughout my life because I don’t believe in god.

I am a weirdo

Will my mom freak if I tell her I’m bisexual

That I won’t recover

My grades aren’t good enough:( I’m afraid I won’t graduate

Parent dying

Im worried because my best friend was in a fight with a girl that I try to be friends with but she just hates me and she says I “p” her off but I have been so nice and friendly towards her anyway they made up but I’m really scared that my best friend will forget about me and I’m scared she won’t talk to me As much as she usually does and That things will go back to how they were a week ago 🙁

I can’t take another day of all of this that’s going on in my life I wish my parents would understand how Important I am to them

I worry that all my friends will stab my back one day for no reason and just leave me… Alone. And everyone will just forget about me.

i worry im not good enough

I wish these migraines would just leave me alone…

I’m worried my boyfriend is cheating , he’s messaged his ex and flirted a lot he says he loves me but I don’t know. Makes me feel terrible.i have friends that don’t help, always on drugs or whatever I always feel lonely and I’m just back in school. I don’t speak with my parents cry often no one knows the struggle. I hope things get better soon.

I worry that I won’t survive long enough to graduate.

I left school early for the past couple of days and people are saying that things about me. I hadn’t shared what was going on with anyone at school yet people are saying I’m “faking depression” . The only thing that was visible was me scratching myself out of stress. Not Huge scratches or anything just scratching in the same little spot, and a scab would be there. My hands just looked a little rough, it makes me worry what other things people say behind my back.

I’ve been feeling really down lately, and I’m worried Im gonna do something I’ll regret.

I have anxiety. I’m taking baby steps. I’m finally trying to order my own food at restaurants… :/