Find a favourite quote, religious saying or verse, or song lyric that has a calming effect on you. Write it on Post-It notes and put them in places where you’ll see them frequently.

Dance in your bedroom! Just let it go.

Drink eight glasses of water a day.

Chill with your pet.

Just breathe.

Bake a batch of cookies.

Have some alone time

Light a lavender scented candle or use an essential oils diffuser.

Play soccer.

Cuddle with your pets 🙂 Talk with someone who will listen and not judge you. Jog, hike, lift weights, dance – focus on something different

Ask for help if you feel like you’re getting too stressed out.

Do something that makes you laugh.

Try yoga.

Turn on some music and dance!

Avoid being passive aggressive; mean what you say.

Makes smores in a backyard fire pit.

Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself; not people who tear you down.

Read a book.

Keep a journal to write down your thoughts.

Play a video game.