I worry that my issues arent nearly as important as everyone else’s and that i’m just being selfish
Worry Jar
I’m afraid that I’ll end up hurting myself for the first time in years now that I’m stuck in the house with my overbearing parents for who knows how long
I’m worried I’ll be like this forever
I’m worried I’ll never figure out what’s going on in my head
i feel like giving up
i miss my therapist and i am no longer able to see her as i have aged out. i have so much building up and i just need to talk to someone that won’t judge and will offer me support and help but i cant afford to get a therapist
I’m worried that no one will care about me, that I’ll fail in class, and if those two happened, I’d kill myself.
I am worried that I will keep cutting until I can’t come out of ‘shock’
I’m scared to lose everybody I care about simply because they find out I’m gay. I have one adult I confide in and I can’t help but wonder if she’s the only person I’ll always have
I am afraid that if i feel like people don’t care anymore then that i’m going to kill myself and how it will affect those people.
I am worried I’ll hurt myself
I am worried, if I stop talking they will forget about me, and abandon me. So I talk and talk, despite how annoying I get, and how mad everyone gets. Because if I stop, I worry I’ll fade to nothing.
I’m afraid that I’ll be left behind and that I’ll never not feel empty
i’m worried that my friends don’t care about me
I have social anxiety when it comes to public things and my mom is trying to make me go to a dance with my brother. I’m terrified and I told her I couldn’t do it and she freaked out at me and said I’m selfish for doing so. I’m genuinely scared and now my mom won’t even look at me without saying something terrible. I haven’t stopped crying.
Someone tried to tell me that my girlfriend was flirting with my cousin when my girlfriend isn’t even like that and it really upsets me even though she didn’t flirt and I feel like crying and I don’t know why
I feel I’ve spent my whole life hidding the real me. I’ve hurt myself over and over in an attempt to mold myself into a person I can never be, just so everyone else would accept me. I’m scared to be myself because no one would appreciate me, like me, care about me . . . I know this because I don’t even like myself, why would anyone else?
I worry that no matter how hard I try at something I’m always gonna fail
I’m worrying for my pop’s health… Why does cancer have to exist???
My friends always want to hang out with their boyfriends instead of me