Watch funny videos on YouTube.

Watch a funny movie

Get away from computer and cell phone screens. Go off the grid for a few hours.

Watch your favourite TV show.

This is what I always do: create a Happy Book. Put only happy things in it — quotes, song lyrics, or poems. I came up with this idea while dancing, that helps too! 🙂

Keep all electronics turned off and out of your bedroom while you sleep.

Read a magazine.

Stand in front of your mirror, blast your music and dance around just because you can! Your you and your special! Always remember that your beautiful!

Spend time with your friends.

Cuddle a pet

Get the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Read a book.

Peeps use the relaxation therapy videos on this app…they rock!

Take a walk around the block.

Make jewelry.

Hang out with your dogs! Show them love and they will do the same!

Light a lavender scented candle or use an essential oils diffuser.

Hang out with friends and listen to good music.

Talk to a trusted friend.

Reach out to a teacher if you are feeling overwhelmed with school and academics.