My parents comparing me to other people
I worry I might be getting depressed? But I am not sure? Nothing is fun anymore, I don’t look forward to things, it’s been going on for a few weeks now. I’m I?
I don’t know how to come out to my parents that I’m bi and tell them about my girlfriend
I worry that it’s my fault that all my past ” friends ” turned out not to be my friends, but in fact the people that did and still tend to do, destroy me mentally and even sometimes physically. And worst of all I think I am lossing my friends that I have had for over a year! That’s the longest friendship yet. I worry its my fault.
I worry that I am not good enough and that if I don’t do better, every one else will feel that way too.
That this app will be awesome
I worry I have an STD because I had sex with a guy who is a player.
My parents hate each other and I hate being around them.
I worry that my dad is going to be mad when I tell him I want to live full time with mom.
I am going to be charged will shop lifting, I didn’t do it but I was there when my friend did.
My rage and anger will cause me to hurt someone I love, my boyfriend.
That I will need to be on medication for the rest of my life.
That when I tell my parents that I was born in the wrong body and that I am transgendered that they will think it’s a phase. I have known since I was five that I am in the wrong body.
That I will have a panic attack in my public exams.
That I will never find a friend, I have no one.
That my best friend has read my texts and knows I have talked about her.
My pimples will never clear up.
About calling people on the phone, I just hate talking on the phone.
My parents won’t let me go to my grad parties and I will look like a loser.
I will lose my job because I am too nervous to ask for help and I keep screwing up.