That I’m not good enough for anyone, that I can’t do anything right.

My teachers already don’t look at me like I’m smart. I worry that if I don’t get perfect grades on all my exams they’ll think I’m just a kid who studies too much. I feel like I constantly have to prove myself to everyone around me.

I’m worried that I’ll run into my ex somewhere.

I worry about worrying too much

I worry I will get sick on a school trip

I’m worried I’ll fail school…

I will never get over social anxiety

That I might start having panic attacks

I’m afraid that people will soon see me the way I see myself.

That my gpa isn’t high because I am not happy and can’t focus 100% on my studies.

People keep saying “friends”… Some people don’t have friends.

That I’m not good enough, and never will be.

Im worried that my depression will get worse and the boy I talk to, will eventually give up on me.

Never getting to see the guy I fell in love with over the summer again.

That I’ll never be happy

Everything is going down hill. I’m worried that my boyfriend is going to leave me because I’m not very mentally or emotionally stable. I’m worried about everything.

the pressure of fitting into the norm

my friends won’t understand my mental illness

I worry my prinicpal will tempt me to commit because of my grades.

The guy I really like will leave me because im not good enough