I’m scared I won’t be able to follow my dreams

I have a speech to write in 4 days and I’m so scared that I’m going to write it and it won’t be good enough

My body will never be how I want.

I’m worried that you’ll give up on me.

I worry that I will never get better no matter how hard I try. I feel so alone and its the worst feeling in the world.

I am not accepted by my peers

I’m stupid

I’m worried about my friend she also suffers from depression and more, I dont want to lose her I really try to help but it doesn’t seem to work

I am a weirdo

I worry that I’ll never get help or get better. I’ve tried so many times, and even though everyone thinks I’m getting better, I’m getting so much worse.

Everyone in my class got invited to a birthday party but me and I am worried about being accepted by my classmates I don’t think I am because no one every talks or sits next to me and I am always left out

My parents fight and I worry about our family happiness.

I don’t know why everything is blamed on me

My friend betraying me and talking about me behind my back to their other friends

I’m worried about my exam grades and how my parents will react

That I will never want to stop cutting..

My parents comparing me to friends

My only friend doesn’t spend time with me anymore

That I will fail in life and make my parents disappointed…

I really like this guy but I’m fat and know he won’t like me back.