Things do get easier and better. Even though my depression gives me stress all the time knowing things get better keeps me going everyday
watch your favourite show and eat your favourite foods ☺️
Spend some time scrolling through Inspirational Quotes. Its a great pick me up.
Meditate!! There are plenty guided meditation videos on YouTube, and even apps for it. You would be suprised as to how helpful it is.
Turn on some music and dance!
Sit down and think about the memories you have with people that make you happy.
Try to sleep
Talk to a trusted friend.
Watch a funny movie
Wear your favourite outfit
Make a list of all the things you love or that make you happy
In need of a hug? Ask for one! It relives so much stress and makes you feel better!
Play gutiar
Go for a walk and listen to music
Think about the good things in life
Have some alone time
Get creative and let your feelings out through art and music 🙂
drink a cold glass of water
Peeps use the relaxation therapy videos on this app…they rock!
Lie in bed flat on your back, tense (for a few seconds) and relax every muscle in your body starting with your toes and going all the way up to your eyebrows.