I have anxiety

Im afraid im gonna relapse

Anxiety is taking over my life.

I worry that my girlfriend of 2 years is letting drugs control her life and quickly becoming a different person

I’m insecure about not being pretty enough or skinny enough

Me and my parents fight

I wanna die……. But…….. I have a fear if dying

I worry that I’ll never actually be happy and I’ll never be able to be in a committed relationship with someone because my ex really fooled me up

I worry that my life is about to become way more complicated

My parents always yell at me

Take a breather calm your mind put your music on blast and sing to the top of your lungs, whach the sunset ALONE. Do what you love and STAY AWAY FROM SOCIAL MEDIA.

Watch a movie with the one you love, boyfriend/girlfriend, siblings, bestfriend, etc.

This is what I always do: create a Happy Book. Put only happy things in it — quotes, song lyrics, or poems. I came up with this idea while dancing, that helps too! 🙂

Read your favourite book.

Pitch a tent outside when its warm in the night and count the stars in the sky til you fall asleep

Take a nice long bath !

Listen to music! Put on a song you like and you can forget about anything you’re worried about. You can just get lost in the beat.

Talk to a friend.

take a hot bath with lots of bubbles- tell yourself that you deserve it 🙂

Cuddle with your pets 🙂 Talk with someone who will listen and not judge you. Jog, hike, lift weights, dance – focus on something different