I don’t have many friends it’s just hard
My sexuality is confusing me … I just want to figure it out already
My Ocd is taking over :/
I’m just not myself anymore 🙁 I lost interest in everything
Every night I cry myself to sleep , what has gotten into me ?
Literally nervous about almost everything
I’m loosing confidence and it hurts 🙁
Im loosing all my confidence.., it feels terrible
My mom has new boyfriend I can’t handle it anymore 🙁
I’m afraid that I will never get better, no matter how hard I try.
i won’t make it through junior high…
My boyfriend broke up with me a day before valentines day, now I’m home all alone and depressed while my parents go out and so do all my friends….
I’m worried about all of you who leave comments. I wish I could help everyone one of you. Just remember someone out there cares 🙂 🙂
That people close to me will suddenly be gone
Missing school because of anxiety
I’m really worried about my grandmother
It’s getting worse and half the time I don’t even want to go out with friends anymore I’d rather just be alone
I feel like everything is slowly falling apart and there is nothing I can do
My mom is going through a really tough time with money and I’m really scared that we’re going to loose our house. I don’t want to move I with my grandparents and everybody at school will find out
My whole family calls me fat and they have given me a poor body image