My parents are always swearing on me… I honestly feel like I get bullied home more then i ever was at school or somewhere…. I enjoy leaving the house for school or something, just to get away from them… They don’t understand or care about me and I just don’t know what to do…. I forgive them way to easily, and idk if that’s a good or bad thing… Im just so confused, scared and sad…. This app helps me get my worrys out when I feel I have no one i can talk to about them.

I’m afraid to tell anyone about what my real gender identity might be. I’m just not ready. And my spiritual beliefs are so different and unconventional than most people’s and there are a lot of people out there who actively pursue those who believe what I believe and it’s really frightening.

I worry that no one will ever love me again

I worry that I’m trapped in my relationship because I don’t want to hurt his feelings

I just want to die, there is literally no point of me. I’m a phony.

That my daughters shyness will prevent her from getting the most out of life

I worry that everything I do is wrong and when I do something right nobody realizes it

I worry about my friends. I am moved reading these worries. I’m glad they have this app to help them.

I’m worried my friend is hurting herself

my dad smokes. I’m worried that it is going to take his life

I try so hard at school and yet my parents think I’m such an idiot because I’m not getting 100 in every course

Before I go places I’m always anxious that I will get dizzy or overwhelmed while I’m there.

I’m afraid that my anxiety will be the thing that kills me.

I’m sick and tired of my parents telling me what cant say to them and then they turn around and say it all back to me! If they want me to treat them good, they should do the same to me!

I will be fatter then everyone else and be made fun of.

I’m worried about juggling my 2 part time jobs, appointments, homework and social life. I’m worried that all my friends are turning on me and talking behind my back. None of them text me back anymore.. I’m worried my parents will never let me take the steps to becoming more independent. Im 17 and all they care about is preventing me from driving more than 30 minutes away and not letting me sleep over to my long term boyfriends. Im mature and responsible to handle those things on my own but they’ll still baby me like the way they do, but the moment I need help they’re not there for me.

That I’m not good enough for my boyfriend

Im worried that i may lose my job

I have no friends the last time I had a friend over was over a year ago

people will never talk to me outside of school. I message people but they never seem to get back to me.