
I feel like I always do the wrong thing during social situations

I trust no one. There is literally so much pressure on my heart

School is just around the corner and my stress and angseity is starting to kick in again

People don’t understand that I have diagnosed anxiety and they still put pressure on me to do things I don’t feel comfortable doing. They say “well you have to do it sometime” or “put on your big girl shoes” , it’s like no one understands. I really want people to stop pressuring me


Getting bullyed

I am worried all loose all my friends because of the people that pick on me.. Iam afraid they’ll start hating me too because of the way I dress and the music I listen too.

Never being good enough.

I worry that my dad is going to be mad when I tell him I want to live full time with mom.

that I wont get over my ED.

That I’m just not living the life that I expected for myself !

I’m afraid that I’ll go as crazy as I feel

I’m worried that I will grow up to be a failure and never accomplish anything

I’m afraid that people will soon see me the way I see myself.

I am an Idoit

I worry that if I fall in love he will see my scars or figure out how messed up I am in the head and leave me

That me being depressed will eventually cause all my friends to walk away

i won’t make it through junior high…

I have no friends the last time I had a friend over was over a year ago