I started talking to this guy and he is kinda good friends with my ex’s ex who is also my friend and I feel like they talk about me as soon as I walk away.
Worry Jar
Feeling Stuck? The BreathingRoom Program can help. If you are looking to find new ways to manage stress, anxiety and depression, why not check it out. The program is free to youth in Newfoundland and Labrador ages 13-24. Follow this link or find it on the main page of Bridgethegapp website and app 🙂 Copy and follow this link …. https://www.yourbreathingroom.com/content.aspx?id=8433be1d-1105-4c8c-8ad3-344b1b9b7f5f&Site=BTGY&dialog=true
I feel like everyone hates me
I’m sick of trying to be happy
I live in a small town where everybody knows everybody, and nothing is kept a secret and for a person with anxiety that’s one of the worse places to be. I walk around not know what to think and not knowing what others have to think about me. But I just keep walking around acting like everything is ok but really if someone was to enter my mind they would get lost in a gigantic maze of unnessisary thoughts that should never be thought of by someone my age. It has gotten so bad that some nights when I walk down the road all alone I here voices and walking behind me but when I turn around I see that nobody is there, it is just another part of the maze, so I take a deep breath and walk on and hope that, that will be the last of the maze but really its just a dead end and I’m struggling to find my way out
I’m afraid that no one will ever fall in love with me
I started flirting with a guy three years older then me who’s in foster care. We both developed feelings, but it stressed me out too much and I lost romantic feelings. His father left when he was younger, and I’m afraid he feels like I abandoned him too. I can’t deal with the guilt of it.
I’m worried about going back to school. I’m worried that I won’t have friends and I’m worried I’ll be put down by people. I’m stressed about classes I’ve never even started yet and teachers I’m scared I’ll have
My parents hate my boyfriend and don’t want me near him, They want me to stay far away from him as possible.
I’m scared to loose friends
I just got out of the hospital from a suicide attempt and since my life has impossibly gotten worse. I am afraid of losing people, but lately I’ve been losing so much.
School, friends, brothers.
My parents hate each other and I hate being around them.
That I am going to fail myself and my family.
That when my ex texted me after almost a year I’ll develop feelings again.
That my bone infection will come back and kill me
I’m worried about starting a new school today, I’ve make a few mistakes over the weekend and I’m scared I’m going to get looked at differently
That I might start having panic attacks
About my depression, and that maybe liking being alone isn’t okay.
That everyone will continue ignoring me.