That when my ex texted me after almost a year I’ll develop feelings again.

That my bone infection will come back and kill me

I’m worried about starting a new school today, I’ve make a few mistakes over the weekend and I’m scared I’m going to get looked at differently

That I might start having panic attacks

About my depression, and that maybe liking being alone isn’t okay.

That everyone will continue ignoring me.

I Feel Like Everything Is My Fault, Knowing That My Best Isn’t Good Enough.

I have anxiety

That I’ll never be able to escape fake messages telling me to kill myself

I worry that I will end up with no friends

I’m plus size….. No guy would ever want me

I used to be so smart in high school, now I’m in university and I’m dealing with anemia, and epilepsy. I feel like I’m going to pass out and get bad headaches everyday. I work really hard on my school work but sometimes I just feel like my health problems prevent me from putting my total attention on it. I failed two midterms, the first two tests I ever failed in my life, and I’m just so afraid that I won’t pass the courses. I worry I’m not smart enough.

I’m worried the only friends in have left are gonna leave and I won’t have anyone

I’m new to all this… my mom made me download the bridges app… it kinda helps tbh. Stay strong.

I’m tired of feeling alone. Especially in rooms full of people. I feel alone all the time. Like I have nobody.

I’m worried that I will never go back to the person I was before. I feel like I’ve been so terrible lately and I just feel like I’m such a disappointment. I miss who I was before, and I hate who I’ve become.

I’m worried I’ll be pressured into something I don’t want to do.

If Only she knew I loved her … But I’m a girl and I can’t tell her :/

I’m worried that I will lose someone soon that I love

I over think.. Everything.. And so with that basically I always cry ,yield to sleep at night.. I’m worried about this..