That I will never be good enough for myself and others
Worry Jar
That my mom won’t stop treating me bad, even if she’s drunk or not …
I worry mom and dad will be mad at me
I’m afraid of dying
I really like this guy but I’m fat and know he won’t like me back.
I worry I won’t come out of my shell. I don’t care how many friends I have, I just want to be more confident.
I failed all my mid-terms
I worry about everything. I can’t even make it to work 75% of the time 🙁
I’m worried about all of you who leave comments. I wish I could help everyone one of you. Just remember someone out there cares 🙂 🙂
Me and my boyfriend broke up and I’m scared I won’t be able to find someone to take to grad
I’m worried like I’m still being used by guys… 🙁
I worry that I’ll never be able to get over my old group of friends who I forced myself to walk away from because they didn’t treat me with the love and respect I gave them, and it’ll be a huge weight I’ll have to carry on my shoulders forever
I worry about the worries. I worry about the people who worry about the worries. Please people only worry about the things you can change.
I’m afraid my parents won’t understand just how depressed and stressed I am. I don’t want them to get mad
Sometimes it’s so hard to “like” these worries, when they’re so sad. If you get a like on your worry, it isn’t about someone being happy that you’re sad. It’s someone saying “I understand”. You’re never alone. Share your worries here and you’ll never know who might be feeling the same way.
I worry that my life will never regain its once positive nature. After I was traumatized immensely I could no longer describe how I felt because I was so unsure. Now I know my feeling and it’s empty. I can’t feel anything because I’m empty. I worry that I will always feel empty and that my negativity will influence the people I care about.
I left deviantart a few months ago and someone was impersonating me and messaging all my friends and making them mad at “me”. One of my good friends was messaged by this person and my friend said she hated me, and basically that our entire friendship was a lie through her/his quite perfect teeth. I wish I could apologize and I did last night and told her the story, but she/he doesn’t believe me.
I’m worried I’ll never get better. I’m worried I’ll continue to feel the way I do, day in and day out. I want to seek professional help, but there’s people out there in a worse condition than I. They need the help more than I do.
I’m moving out of my abusive household next week and one I’m afraid my family will find out sooner then planned and hurt me, and two, I’m queer and trans and very afraid of becoming a statistic ,,,