I’m worried my parents will mind my stash of acid meth and cocaine
Worry Jar
I’m afraid I’m not making the right decisions
I’m worried that k don’t have any emotion towards love.. I recently broke up with a guy who was so inlove with me and I thought I love him too but when we broke up I have no emotion and with all of the other boys since my first “real” relationship heartbreak..
I’m afraid one day I will finally crack for good
I feel really anxious right now! I hate going to school so much. I just feel so sad and alone
my mothers boyfriend is coming home tomorrow, i really dont like him my mother is so nice when he is gone and when he is home she ignores me. I just feel like im exploding inside 🙁
I’m having anxiety about not passing my last science test for the year and that I might not pass the year.
I’m pansexual but I feel like if I come out everyone will think i’m faking for attention
I’m so scared for the future. I don’t have any goals, ambitions, or talents to help me get to a good place in life. It makes me feel worthless, especially since everyone I know hoas something going for them.
how do you even come out to your family? my family will be dissapointed.
I’m scared to go to school.
I’ve told my mom before that I feel like I should be a male, and she brushed it off, I hate being a female honestly, I just wish I could talk to people about It.
I’m scare to talk
Being rejected.
That I will need to be on medication for the rest of my life.
I’m never sure if people really like me, or if they just act like it when I’m around.
That I will make a wrong decision and everyone will look down on me for it.
My friends at school say they will always be there for me but then next thing I now there are off talking to the person who publicly humiliated me :/
Worrying about worrying because I know it’s unhealthy for me to stress this much.
That I’m not good enough, and never will be.