I worry that everyone of my friends that I care about don’t really care about me . I think that their only friends with me because I hang out with the boys all the time. As a girl it sucks not knowing if people really care…
Worry Jar
Why can’t I stop getting so mad at the littlest things
i’m so angry all the time
I’m worried the bully’s will never stop
Am worried that I will never get better
I miss my ex but I feel like he doesn’t miss me at all, it really hurts seeing him happy without me
My mom found my laxatives. I’m afraid she’ll find out about everything else too, the cutting, the purging… I’m supposed to be in recovery, why is this happening to me?
I’m scared someone will find my blades
Life gets so hard
Whenever my friends don’t text back in our group chat right away I’m afraid they have a different group chat without me where they talk about how dumb I am.
My parents don’t want me to date the guy ive liked for 5 years now, andi know he would treat me like gold.
I feel like every one hates me and no one understands what I am dealing with ever one uses me and when they don’t need me that act like they never met me or they just treat me like dirt and walks all over me I help people when there down but when I am hurting, depressed, or even having a panic atac they don’t care they look at me and just say whatever…..
I feel lost in the world. I can’t seem to get back on top and fix everything. I’m constantly worrying about what may happen or what has happened and the ways I could have prevented it or changed it. My biggest fear is that my father is going to abandon my sisters as he did to me when I needed him. I’m scared there gonna go grow up with him there but my as a father just someone you see every once and a while, just like I did and there’s nothin I can do but watch and be there. I want them to have the chance with him that I didn’t.
I haven’t been able to see myself living past 16. suicide is getting clearer every day..
All I can think about is the past and the abuse. I can’t seem to get passed it. I’m worried I’ll never recover from this..
I feel overwhelmingly sick and anxious whenever I’m in intimidating social situations. I started shaking and even threw up this morning just from thinking about confessing to the person I like. It feels like I’ll never be able to be honest about my feelings with people, because I’m always anxious that they’ll judge me or think less of me for it.
everyone around me better at everything than me whether it’s singing or school i’m never good enough.
I’m scared of making the wrong move and if I do I’ll get bullied
That fact that my daughter does not consider her family with any strength.
That I will have a panic attack in my public exams.