My friend doesn’t realize how amazing she really is.

That i’ll never get over my anxiety, insomnia and depression

The new move won’t go as I hope…

My grades will drop

Never getting to see the guy I fell in love with over the summer again.

I have a speech to write in 4 days and I’m so scared that I’m going to write it and it won’t be good enough

that this is as good as its going to get

What if my mom will never stop being an alcoholic.

I wanna die……. But…….. I have a fear if dying

I cry every night when will this be over?

I worry that no one will ever love me again

I just worry about the simplest things I’m just not myself anymore And I will never be

I am a perfectionist straight A overachiever. I am extremely stressing about the possibility of failing to the point I have developed a stress related pain disorder rsd. Worried about the possibility of failing, my rsd spreading and how my friends will react to me having this. I’m mainly stressed because I’m different!

I’m in love with someone that doesn’t even know I exist

How do I tell my parents I’m gay?

My best friend and I get in fights sometimes and she gets really rude. Whenever I try to confront her or talk about it she avoids me. So we never work out or problems and she refuses to talk about anything or be wrong so everything keeps building up and I can’t handle it. She always makes it out to be my fault when It rarely is! I just don’t know what to do anymore.

My anxiety is controlling my whole life.

That I’m too far for help

Once my boyfriend leaves me. I’m going to start cutting again…..

What isn’t my worry? People tell me the only way to feel better is to step outside of my comfort zone when I don’t even have a comfort zone to begin with. I’m ALWAYS uncomfortable. I can’t even be around a group of 4 or more people without throwing up and I hate this so damn much. It is stopping me from living my life.