I’m afraid of judgement of others , i’m going to therapy but i’m still afraid no one will believe that i have anxiety.

I’m worried that no one will believe how much I’m hurting and brush it off as attention seeking or lies

My daughter not believing that she has the power to choose who she wants to be.

I think too much and do too little, I worry I am missing out on life.

I worry that I am not good enough and that if I don’t do better, every one else will feel that way too.

That I won’t get into university, even with all my courses and marks and hard work

I worry because the guy i like most, barely talks to me

That some day I’m just going to lose myself, lose control. And do something I’ll regret.

I worry that I’ll never be good enough for someone, if I’m told that now, will it always be like that?

I worry I will get sick on a school trip

My dad’s only nice to me when he wants something and I’m worried that’s how it’s always going to be.

I worry that my anxiety will get even worse and cause me to fail in the real world like not being able to get a job or get married due to my awkwardness and lack of communication skills.

I’m worried I’ll be alone all my life

I feel like everything is slowly falling apart and there is nothing I can do

I worry that my anxiety is going to be the thing that makes my boyfriend leave me.

My pop died today

Everyone says my boyfriend deserves better than me, I know it isn’t true but everyone saying it is really making it seem true

Im scared of pushing my best friend away. Ive started picking out her flaws. I cant help it. And i dont want to, all she does it complain.

Sometimes I honestly think that if I killed myself, everything would get better. Then I worry about how everyone else would react. Sometimes I think they wouldn’t care and other times I do. It just confuses me and I don’t know how to handle it!

I wish I had friends who actually would care about me and listen instead of egnoaring everything I say and do in my life……..why my life