You can speak with someone you trust. You can think about the pros and cons of coming out. You can come out when you decide you are safe and ready. You can speak to a guidance counselor, counselor or other helpers if you need help in sorting things out. Having a safety plan (someone to talk to, a place to go) if family or others don’t initially react well is a good idea. Are you questioning your identity? Yes/No If click Yes, message would be: Talking with someone may help you sort things out. Call the Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868).
Are you questioning your identify?
Talking with someone may help you sort things out. Call the Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868).
Remember, someone you know may be e questioning their identity and looking for support. Understanding can make all the difference. Reach out to services such as The Kids Help Phone to help you think through how to be of support to others. (1-800-668-6868).
Gender identity is our internal sense of self as male, female, both, somewhere else on the spectrum, or we may not identify with any gender. Our gender identity may differ from the gender we were assigned at birth or from what society expects for us.
Sexual orientation refers to our physical, emotional or romantic attraction to people. We can be attracted to someone who has a gender identity that differs from ours, to someone with a similar gender identity, to someone of any gender identity on the spectrum, or we may not be attracted to anyone. Romantic orientation refers to our romantic attraction.
You may have a good friend you can trust. You may have a sense of who in your family may be more open to speak with first. Teachers, guidance counselors, counselors, GSA’s, other LBGTQ+ folks, or the Kids Help Phone may be helpful. The Kids Help Phone can help you explore options for support in your area (1-800-668-6868).
It may help to gather your thoughts, the main points you want to share, and helpful resources, before and after speaking with family. You can share resources such as PFLAG Canada and encourage family members to connect with others to ask questions and learn. It may take some time for family to understand. If you live at home and don’t feel accepted or safe, speak to someone you trust, such as an adult or Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868).